保存 & 通过阿伯金融信用合作社赚取更多
去年, 我们的信用合作社成员得到了3美元,302,998 in financial benefits by taking advantage of Arbor Financial’s low rates and specials.**

“I Get More with Arbor by receiving incredible loan rates on my vehicle I purchased this year. 另外, the staff at the branch I bank at are exceptional in their customer service and very friendly.”

“I have been a member for over 9 years and the thing I love most about Arbor Financial is the community. I’m so thankful and happy that we live in a community where we can stay close to people through everyday interactions. 乔安妮, 我是中央街分行的经理, 是我高中时的好朋友,我在学校教她的孩子.”

"Some of our favorite things about Arbor Financial are the online and mobile banking services. 我们发现它很方便,它使我们的生活更容易."

“我们不需要打电话给其他人. 我们知道阿伯金融会有我们需要的东西."
Jennifer, Arbor金融信用合作社会员

"The super low interest rate on our 10 year consolidation loan has helped us pay off our 抵押贷款 faster than we ever thought possible."

"The tellers and staff at Arbor Financial conduct business so professionally and friendly. 当我走进分公司,看到卡洛琳和她的团队时,我感到宾至如归.”
“在我们进行再融资之前,我只做了一年的房主, 我们在办理贷款手续时有点紧张. 阿伯教我们如何选择, 指导我们完成行动项目,每一步都与我们沟通. Kyle did an amazing job answering our constant questions and providing in depth explanations that we could understand. 整个过程顺利而及时. 我们印象非常深刻,也很高兴我们选择了Arbor Financial!"

在线 & 手机加拿大28软件
在任何地方访问您的Arbor金融信用合作社账户, 随时从您的手掌与我们的免费移动加拿大28软件应用程序.
方便易用, Arbor Financial's 手机加拿大28软件 App is safe and secure using some of the most advanced security and technology available.
只工作不玩耍? 不在这里. 我们的社区活动是充满乐趣的机会,以满足成员和邻居.
*年费率(APR). 利率 disclosed are the lowest rates available and are determined by your credit score and loan to value at the time of application. 价格可能会有变动.
**会员在截至2021年9月的12个月内享有直接经济利益 如 una会员福利报告 为阿伯金融信用合作社. 有关此分析的更多信息,请访问 www.datatrac.net/memberbenefits. ©CUNA, ©Datatrac
+年收益率(年). 借记卡购买必须在日历月期间张贴到您的帐户. ATM交易不适用. 超过15,000美元的余额不支付利息. 每位会员一个动量支票帐户. 价格是可变的,可能会有变化. 如果没有达到要求,你就不会收到当月的利息.
1. 年收益率(年) earned on 阿伯金融信用合作社's 检查 programs are calculated by the daily balance method. 股息按月复利支付. The dividend rate and 年 are variable and may change at any time as determined by the Board of Directors. 费用可能会减少帐户上的收入. 所示年为2023年5月1日的准确数据. 每日余额为25万美元或以上的利息. 如果余额低于25万美元,你将赚0.01%.
2. Direct deposits and other 汽车mated Clearing House (ACH) credits may post to your account up to five days early with the Early Pay service. The Early Pay service is dependent upon when the deposits are originated from the sender and received by the Credit Union, and we cannot guarantee deposits will post prior to their anticipated settlement date. 信用合作社 is not responsible for delays in posting due to unforeseen circumstances. 信用合作社, 自行决定, 是否可以确定一定的定金付款, 矿床类型, 或者会员账户被排除在服务之外. The terms and conditions for Early Pay are subject to change, at any time, without advance notice. 不适用于商业、贷款或抵押账户.
6. 5-Month CD Special: 年收益率(年) earned on certificate is calculated by the actual daily balance method and is paid and compounded monthly. 提前提款会受到处罚,而且会减少收入. 最低余额为555美元. 如有更改,恕不另行通知. 截至2023年8月28日的固定收益.
7. 年利率(APR). 报价截止到7/1/23. 余额转帐优惠费率适用于6个月结算周期. Starting on the seventh month, the promotional rate will convert to your standard rate. Not eligible for CU Rewards Points and may not be used to pay other Arbor Financial accounts. 促销、价格、条款及条件如有更改,恕不另行通知.
9. 机会均等雇主